
Newest Member INTO Clan!

October 11, 2008

blip_cribbe_lito1 is the newest member guys!

Rank No.1 in Sweden, have a great time mate!


  1. wemscome lito1 !

    I’v just played you twice yesterday , and I think you are really good 🙂


  2. ty mate u was better hehe ^^

  3. Welcome to the gang 🙂

  4. I took you aways some king of 30 RP , but then I spent them by loosing twice -23 rp :(((((

    I’m not in the top 100 anymore 😦

    But I’ll come back ;D

  5. hey what is this site all about? can u say me about this and do u play powersoccer then sometime challenge me

  6. chalenge me

  7. welcome master 🙂 !

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