
About our vision

–SURREAL– shall be:

  • a group that work well together, with the right mix of people. Diversity is important, we want to be able to win titles in all parts of the world.
  • a clan consisting of skilled and experienced players , and our objective will be to become the top ranked clan. We won’t settle until we reach it, and when we reach it the goal will be to hold on to it.
  • a clan with nice internal atmosphere so we all enjoy ourselves. Drama is forbidden, we’ll solve problems as soon (or preferably before) as they arise.
  • a clan for whom Sportmanship is a key word. When we win, we are going to behave like gentlemen, and if we ever loose, we’ll behave like gentlemen too. In the long run, that is what makes a true winner.
  • a clan that LEADS, while others follow.

Goals in nearest future:

  1. we’ll try to assemble a group of 12-16 active and skilled members before the launch of on site clans. We don’t know exactly when this will happen but as an approxamation we can say we have about 1-3 months to get prepared.
  2. once the on-site clan functionality is launched we may need to increase our number of members to 20-25. Remember we need several players from each of the worlds regions.
  3. within too long, we will need to start thinking of a junior squad. Users retire, dissappear or may decide to go leave our clan for other reasons, and we need to have a pool of promising new users to promote new members from. We’ll work out the details together in due time.

One comment

  1. yay! We will smash!

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