Archive for the ‘Surreal First Team’ Category


We have four new members!

November 30, 2008



  • Has one of the coolest profile pics on PS :p
  • Level 61
  • Rating 2021
  • Our first norwegian!
  • And he wrote us a nice intro message =)
    stigba wrote:

    Hi all. Thanks to powdersnow for inviting me to the clan. Surreal seems to be the kind of clan that I sould like to be associated with. I humbly accept your offer, hoping to be able to bring a positive contribution to the clan, both on the pitch and off 🙂


  • With a username like this, Surreal is THE place for this guy on this site. It’s simply a match made in heaven. We ofcourse hope the_poet will one day write the lyrics for the official Surreal anthem.
  • level 51
  • rating 2009
  • Our first spaniard!! (is it called spaniard?)
  • and yet again a nice intro message:
    the_poet wrote:

    Hello everyone,

    I’m flattered by your offer and, despite I’d never thought of joining a Clan before, I’ve decided to tag along.

    But, since I’m new to all this Clan stuff, I’ll like to know if there’s something that I should do from now on…

    While I get an answer, I’ll surf your site and the forums to try an get to know the Clan better.

    Peace out

    The Poet


  • level 73
  • rating 1 941
  • Italian! (are you from sicily? I see you have catania there in your name).


  • w00t another level 99er!!
  • rating 1906
  • our first Romanian!
  • h1

    We have five new members!!

    November 14, 2008

    Here is the most recent additions to our clan:






    Welcome to all of you! We are now 17 in total!


    Someone Walks Out on US!

    November 3, 2008

    We have Sad news guys. Our Canadian User, Ricepudding9 has left the clan and decided to join Ownage again. I don’t know why but this is how he did it. Best of Luck Rice!



    October 27, 2008

    We are still 13 users. Two have left us recently but another two has joined.

    We’re a bit disappointed over the actions of qfs and cribbe_lito, who didn’t really give us any good explanation as to why they left. On a brighter note, 1_champion_1 and mr.famouz has both joined, and they more than equal the two that left. I feel we are a stronger clan now than we were before.

    Only weeks remain until the launch of on-site clans! Our goal will be to go out strong and make an impact on the ranks as early as we can. I urge all clan members to play as many Clan Cups as possible the first few weeks.

    We need more members! As far as requirements go, we now have a strong core of users who meet all the demands. Now we need to find more talented users to join, we should be around 20 when the functions go live. If this means we have to loosen up on the requirements a little, then we will do so. Our goal is to become the top ranked clan and to do that we need not only quality, but quantity too. After the launch we will try to find even more members, until we have filled up our 32 user maximum. But important not to rush it, it has to be the RIGHT 32 users.

    I would also like to take this opportunity to name the clan co-captains. If they’ll accept, brensda111 and Lesquive will take these two roles. This because they are prominent forum writers and have done a lot of work on the Surreal blog. The co-captains will be able to moderate the clan forum (among other things).

    Things are getting exciting now!



    1 Leaves, Maybe Another. MB With us =)

    October 25, 2008

    Blib_Cribbe_Lito1 has left and joined FC>SHADOWS Clan. And QFS might join them aswell, but I am not quite sure, I want to say best of luck!

    MB Alliances?

    Yes, Its true, Sipwell Has been posting this many times, We are Alliances with MB! Hurray!



    A New Member!

    October 23, 2008

    We now have a North American into the greatest clan in Powerchallenge!

    Mr.Famouz is in! lvl Seventy Something and Nine Thousand and something rp.

    Please wlecome him!


    1_champion_1 becomes –SURREAL–

    October 17, 2008

    We just signed another user to our clan. A 99:er, canadian, has a couple of thousand forum posts and a nice rank. Also, we are getting another girl in the clan so avelgem wont feel all alone =)

    Give it up for …. 1_champion_1!



    Newest Member INTO Clan!

    October 11, 2008

    blip_cribbe_lito1 is the newest member guys!

    Rank No.1 in Sweden, have a great time mate!


    Dark day in Surreal history

    October 10, 2008

    Three members has been forced to leave the clan due to severe cheating allegations. We cannot risk having people in the clan who may one day cheat in a clan game and pull us all down with them. It’s with a heavy heart, cause these were friends whom we enjoyed spending time with, but we hope they understand.

    Since we aren’t into the “poke-fingers” business, we will conceal their names to the public. We wish our friends good luck, and also hope they will improve their ways in the future.

    We are now down to 12 members, but nut just any members. We certainly still have a lot of muscle, but now we need to re-focus on growing even stronger.


    Yes or No for blip_cribbe_litto1 ?

    October 9, 2008

    Well , I have a found another user that wants to join the –SURREAL– clan …. I will try to present him the most completely possible to let you know who he is to judge if he could enter the clan ….

    NAME : blip_cribbe_litto1


    RANK POSITION : 39TH ( with 2158 ranking points , he’s the Swedish N° 1 ! In front of pow ^^ )

    He’s almost a fair player ( 2.5 stars of sportmanship , and 0 W-O in the last week )

    With all this , you might have a clear idea if this member should be accepted or not in the best clan in powersoccer !

    Think , decide , and write a comment !

    Thx to everyone .